来源:移民资讯 字体大小:
  • 1222 行政助理 Executive assistants – NOC – LEVEL B



    Executive assistants co-ordinate administrative procedures, public relations activities and research and analysis functions for members of legislative assemblies, ministers, deputy ministers, corporate officials and executives, committees and boards of directors. They are employed by governments, corporations and associations.

    ## 1222 行政助理头衔范例 Example Titles – NOC

    * 委员会书记 committee clerk* 公司秘书 corporate secretary* 行政助理 executive assistant* 立法助理 legislative assistant

    ## 1222 行政助理主要职责 Main duties – NOC

    行政助理执行部分或全部下列职责:Executive assistants perform some or all of the following duties:

    * 为官员,委员会和董事会建立和统筹管理政策和程序Establish and co-ordinate administrative policies and procedures for officials, committees and boards of directors

    * 分析传入和传出的备忘录,提交报告,并准备和协调编制,并向行政人员,委员会和董事会提交总结简报和报告Analyze incoming and outgoing memoranda, submissions and reports and prepare and co-ordinate the preparation and submission of summary briefs and reports to executives, committees and boards of directors

    * 为委员会,董事会和其他会议准备议程和安排Prepare agendas and make arrangements for committee, board and other meetings

    * 进行调研,编译数据,从而准备由高管,委员会和董事会审议及呈报得论文Conduct research, compile data, and prepare papers for consideration and presentation by executives, committees and boards of directors

    * 代表与高管,委员会和理事会与个人,特殊利益集团和其他人事会面,讨论议题,评估和推荐各种行动路线Meet with individuals, special interest groups and others on behalf of executives, committees and boards of directors to discuss issues and assess and recommend various courses of action

    * 代表高管,委员会和董事会联络部门和企业的官员及其他组织和协会。Liaise with departmental and corporate officials and with other organizations and associations on behalf of executives, committees and boards of directors.

    ## 1222 行政助理任职要求 Employment requirements – NOC

    * 必需完成中学学业。Completion of secondary school is required.

    * 通常需要公共管理学,政治学或相关学科大学本科学历,。A bachelor’s degree in public administration, political science or a related discipline is usually required.

    * 通常需要相关行政职业经验。Experience in a related administrative occupation is usually required.

    ## 1222 行政助理其他分类 Classified elsewhere – NOC

    * 行政人员 Administrative officers [1221](1221)* 会议和活动策划 Conference and event planners [1226](1226)* 执行秘书(行政助理) Executive secretaries (in [1241](1241) Administrative assistants )

    ## 1222 行政助理职称头衔 All titles – NOC

    * 委员会书记 committee clerk* 选区援助 constituency aid* 选区助理 constituency assistant* 公司秘书 corporate secretary* 行政助理 executive assistant* 立法助理 legislative assistant* 医疗信息助理 medical information assistant* 部长级助理 ministerial assistant* 议会助理 parliamentary assistant* 议会委员会业务员 parliamentary committee clerk* 特别助理 special assistant

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