来源:移民资讯 字体大小:
  • 0632 住宿服务经理 Accommodation service managers – NOC – LEVEL 0



    Accommodation service managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of an accommodation establishment or of a department within such an establishment. They are employed by hotels, motels, resorts, student residences and other accommodation establishments, or they may be self-employed.

    ## 0632 住宿服务经理头衔范例 Example Titles – NOC

    * 经理助理,酒店 assistant manager, hotel* 床和早餐经营者 bed and breakfast operator* 前台经理 – 住宿服务 front desk manager – accommodation services* 招待所经营者 guest-house operator* 酒店总监 hotel director* 酒店经理 hotel manager* 汽车旅馆经理 motel manager* 预订经理 reservations manager* 季节性度假村经理 seasonal resort manager* 滑雪场经理 ski resort manager* 旅游家运营商 tourist home operator

    ## 0632 住宿服务经理主要职责 Main duties – NOC

    住宿服务经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Accommodation service managers perform some or all of the following duties:

    * 制定,实施和评估的部门或机构的政策和程序的运作Develop, implement and evaluate policies and procedures for the operation of the department or establishment

    * 准备预算和监控收入和支出Prepare budgets and monitor revenues and expenses

    * 参与定价和促销策略的发展Participate in the development of pricing and promotional strategies

    * 与供应商协商材料和用品的供应Negotiate with suppliers for the provision of materials and supplies

    * 与客户洽谈,举办会议,宴会,招待会和其他功能使用的设施Negotiate with clients for the use of facilities for conventions, banquets, receptions and other functions

    * 招募和监督人员,监督培训,并设置工作时间表Recruit and supervise staff, oversee training and set work schedules

    * 解决客户的投诉。Resolve customer complaints.

    ## 0632 住宿服务经理任职要求 Employment requirements – NOC

    * 受雇于连锁酒店或大型的住宿场所的管理者通常需要酒店管理或其他相关学科的大学学位或大专文凭。A university degree or college diploma in hotel management or other related discipline is usually required for managers employed by hotel chains or large accommodation establishments.

    * 通常需要多年的住宿业经验,并可能取代正规教育的要求。Several years of experience within the accommodation industry are usually required and may substitute for formal educational requirements.

    ## 0632 住宿服务经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere – NOC

    * 广告,市场营销和公共关系经理 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers [0124](0124)* 行政管家 Executive housekeepers [6312](6312)* 设备操作和维修经理 Facility operation and maintenance managers [0714](0714)* 餐馆和食品服务经理 Restaurant and food service managers [0631](0631)* 零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers [0621](0621)

    ## 0632 住宿服务经理职称头衔 All titles – NOC

    * 住宿服务经理 accommodation services manager* 住宿经理 accommodations manager* 经理助理,酒店 assistant manager, hotel* 床和早餐经理 bed and breakfast manager* 床和早餐经营 bed and breakfast operator* 公寓管家 boarding house keeper* 宿舍管理员 boarding house manager* 营地经理 camp manager* 露营地经理 campground manager* 露营地运营商 campground operator* 独木舟营地运营商 canoe camp operator* 乡村旅馆运营商 country inn operator* 董事,酒店 director, hotel* 钓鱼的营房运营商 fishing camp operator* 酒店前台经理 front desk hotel manager* 前台经理 – 住宿服务 front desk manager – accommodation services* 酒店前台经理 front desk manager, hotel* 前台办公室经理,酒店 front office manager, hotel* 宾客服务经理 guest services manager* 招待所经营 guest-house operator* 宿舍管理员 hostel manager* 酒店经理助理 hotel assistant manager* 酒店总监 hotel director* 酒店前台经理 hotel front desk manager* 酒店前厅部经理 hotel front office manager* 酒店经理 hotel manager* 酒店运营商 hotel operator* 狩猎和捕鱼小屋经理 hunting and fishing lodge manager* 狩猎营地运营商 hunting camp operator* 旅馆经理 inn manager* 旅店运营商 inn operator* 旅馆老板 innkeeper* 宿舍经理 lodging house manager* 经理,住宿服务 manager, accommodation services* 经理,床和早餐 manager, bed and breakfast* 经理,宿舍 manager, boarding house* 经理,营 manager, camp* 经理,露营地 manager, campground* 经理,酒店 manager, hotel* 经理,酒店前台 manager, hotel front desk* 酒店前台办公室经理, manager, hotel front office* 旅馆经理, manager, inn* 经理,住宿的房子; manager, lodging house* 经理,休闲露营地 manager, recreational campground* 经理,预订 manager, reservations* 经理,度假 manager, resort* 经理,季节性度假村 manager, seasonal resort* 经理,学生宿舍 manager, student residence* 经理,大学宿舍 manager, university residence* 经理,青年旅馆 manager, youth hostel* 汽车旅馆经理 motel manager* 休闲营地经理 recreational campground manager* 预定经理 reservations manager* 度假露营地经理 resort campground manager* 度假村经理 resort manager* 楼寓门将 rooming house keeper* 客房部主任 rooms division director* 客房经理 – 住宿服务 rooms manager – accommodation services* 季节性度假村经理 seasonal resort manager* 滑雪场经理 ski resort manager* 学生宿舍管理员 student residence manager* 旅游之家运营商 tourist home operator* 大学宿舍管理员 university residence manager* 青年旅馆经理 youth hostel manager

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