来源:移民资讯 字体大小:

昨天,12月9日,加拿大移民快速通道Express Entry进行了第169次邀请,本次EE邀请分数线为469分,邀请人数为5000人,不分类别。刚好469分的申请人,需要在2020年6月4日前进入池子。


Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #169 – December 9, 2020

No program specified

See full text of Ministerial Instruction

Number of invitations issued: 5,000*

Rank required to be invited to apply: 5,000th or above

Date and time of round: December 9, 2020 at 14:30:47 UTC

CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 469

Tie-breaking rule: June 4, 2020 at 22:26:05 UTC

If more than one candidate has the lowest score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profiles.

以上就是由优质生活领域创作者 首席移民规划师 整理编辑的,如果对您有帮助欢迎转发分享!


