来源:移民资讯 字体大小:
  • 6343 修鞋人和鞋匠 Shoe repairers and shoemakers – NOC – LEVEL B



    Shoe repairers repair footwear and shoemakers make specialized and custom shoes and boots. They are employed in shoe repair shops or custom shoemaking establishments, or they may be self-employed.

    头衔范例 Example Titles

    * 鞋匠 bootmaker* 定制鞋匠 custom shoemaker* 矫形鞋匠 orthopedic shoemaker* 鞋修理工 shoe repairer* 鞋匠 shoemaker

    6343 修鞋人和鞋匠主要职责 Main duties – NOC

    ### 鞋匠执行部分或全部下列职责:Shoemakers perform some or all of the following duties:

    讨论要制作鞋子的类型,并测量客户足部尺寸Discuss type of footwear to be made and obtain measurements from customer

    选择图案和皮革或其他材料并勾画和剪裁样子Select patterns and leather or other material and outline and cut patterns

    选择或组合鞋楦,将鞋垫固定到鞋楦,并将其他部分缝合或粘连到位Select or assemble lasts, fasten insoles to lasts and sew or glue other parts into place

    修饰鞋或靴,加其他装饰并完工Trim, dress and otherwise finish boots or shoes

    估计定制鞋的成本,并从客户收取款项Estimate custom footwear costs and receive payment from customers

    可以监督其他鞋匠和修鞋匠。May supervise other shoemakers and shoe repairers.

    ### 修鞋匠执行部分或全部下列职责:Shoe repairers perform some or all of the following duties:

    使用缝制,抛光和其他修鞋机器,材料和设备,修理鞋类的鞋底和后跟等部位。Repair soles, heels and other parts of footwear using sewing, buffing and other shoe repair machines, materials and equipment

    修理皮带,箱包,钱包和同类产品Repair belts, luggage, purses and similar products

    估计鞋类的修理费用,并收取费用。Estimate footwear repair costs and take payment.

    任职要求 Employment requirements

    可能必须完成某些中学。Some secondary school may be required.

    修鞋匠参加数月的在职培训。Several months of on-the-job training is provided for shoe repairers.

    为制鞋者提供了广泛的在职培训。Extensive on-the-job training is provided for shoemakers.

    鞋匠可能需要修鞋匠的经验。Shoemakers may require experience as shoe repairers.

    6343 修鞋人和鞋匠附加信息 Additional information – NOC

    随着经验积累,修鞋匠可能进步到制鞋者Shoe repairers may progress to shoemakers with experience.

    6343 修鞋人和鞋匠其他分类 Classified elsewhere – NOC

    * 劳动者在鞋业制造(加工,制造和公用事业得其他劳动者) Labourers in shoe manufacturing (in [9619](9619) Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities )* 工人-裁剪布料或皮革制成鞋部件(面料,毛皮及皮革切割机织物或皮革) Workers who cut fabric or leather to form shoe parts on a production basis (in [9445](9445) Fabric, fur and leather cutters )* 操作缝纫机制做鞋子的工人(工业缝纫机经营) Workers who operate sewing machines to make shoes on a production basis (in [9446](9446) Industrial sewing machine operators )

    6343 修鞋人和鞋匠职称头衔 All titles – NOC

    * 靴子修理工 boot repairer* 靴匠 bootmaker* 皮匠 cobbler* 定制鞋匠 custom shoemaker* 矫形鞋男/女 orthopedic shoe repairman/woman* 矫形鞋匠 orthopedic shoemaker* 鞋染工 shoe dyer* 鞋修理者 – 零售 shoe mender – retail* 鞋修理工 shoe repairer* 鞋修理工 – 零售 shoe repairer – retail* 鞋匠 shoemaker

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