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  • 7521 重型设备操作员(除了起重机)Heavy equipment operators (except crane) – NOC – LEVEL C



    Heavy equipment operators operate heavy equipment used in the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, airports, gas and oil pipelines, tunnels, buildings and other structures; in surface mining and quarrying activities; and in material handling work. They are employed by construction companies, heavy equipment contractors, public works departments and pipeline, logging, cargo-handling and other companies.

    7521 重型设备操作员(除了起重机)头衔范例 Example Titles – NOC

    * 反铲挖土机操作员 backhoe operator* 推土机操作员 bulldozer operator* 挖掘机操作员 excavator operator* GRADALL运营商 gradall operator* 平地机操作员 grader operator* 重型设备操作员 heavy equipment operator* 重型设备操作员学徒 heavy equipment operator apprentice* 装载机操作员 – 建设 loader operator – construction* 侧臂的拖拉机操作员 side boom tractor operator* 露天采矿设备运营商 surface mining equipment operator

    7521 重型设备操作员(除了起重机)主要职责 Main duties – NOC

    重型设备操作员执行部分或全部下列职责:Heavy equipment operators perform some or all of the following duties:

    * 在建筑及相关活动的过程中,操作重型设备,如挖土机,推土机,装载机,平地机,挖掘,移动,装载和分级土壤,岩石,砂砾或其他材料Operate heavy equipment such as backhoes, bulldozers, loaders and graders to excavate, move, load and grade earth, rock, gravel or other materials during construction and related activities

    * 操作推土机等重型设备,在伐木活动之前清理粗杂材和树桩,并在采伐和地表采矿场修建道路Operate bulldozers or other heavy equipment to clear brush and stumps prior to logging activities and to build roads at logging and surface mining sites

    * 操作带有桩机头的重型设备将桩钻入泥土,为楼宇,桥梁或其他结构提供支撑Operate heavy equipment with pile driver head to drive piling into earth to provide support for buildings, bridges or other structures

    * 操作重型疏浚设备来加深水道或回收填土Operate heavy dredging equipment to deepen waterways or reclaim earth fill

    * 在公路和道路建设过程中,操作重型铺路和堆焊设备,来铺设,播撒或压实混凝土,沥青等表面材料Operate heavy paving and surfacing equipment to lay, spread or compact concrete, asphalt and other surface materials during highway and road construction

    * 操作电铲,从露天矿山,露天矿,采石场或施工坑挖掘岩石,矿石或其他材料Operate power shovels to excavate rock, ore or other materials from open-pit mines, strip mines, quarries or construction pits

    * 操作重型设备移动,装卸货物Operate heavy equipment to move, load and unload cargo

    * 对设备进行运行前检查,并清洁,润滑和填充设备。Conduct pre-operational checks on equipment and clean, lubricate and refill equipment.

    7521 重型设备操作员(除了起重机)任职要求 Employment requirements – NOC

    * 必须具备中学教育。Some secondary school education is required.

    * 完成一到两年的学徒课程Completion of a one- to two-year apprenticeship program

    * 或者必须是高中,大学或重型设备操作行业课程与在职培训相结合。Some high school, college or industry courses in heavy equipment operating combined with on-the-job training are required.

    * 在魁北克省行业认证是强制性的,但在纽芬兰和拉布拉多省,西北地区和努纳武特地区是自愿的。Trade certification is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

    * 一些雇主可能要求公司内部认证。Internal company certification may be required by some employers.

    7521 重型设备操作员(除了起重机)附加信息 Additional information – NOC

    * 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

    7521 重型设备操作员(除了起重机)其他分类 Classified elsewhere – NOC

    * 承包商和监督员,重型设备操作人员 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews [7302](7302)* 起重机操作员 Crane operators [7371](7371)* 叉车及工业车辆运营商( 材料处理) Forklift and industrial truck operators (in [7452](7452) Material handlers )* 伐木机械运营商 Logging machinery operators [8421](8241)* 地下生产和发展的矿工 Underground production and development miners [8231](8231)

    7521 重型设备操作员(除了起重机)职称头衔 All titles – NOC

    * 空中缆车运营商 aerial tram operator* 学徒重型设备操作员 apprentice heavy equipment operator* 沥青批工厂操作员 asphalt batch plant operator* 沥青工厂操作员 asphalt plant operator* 沥青辊运营商 asphalt roller operator* 沥青摊铺运营商 asphalt spreader operator* 沥青街头摊铺机操作员 asphalt street paver operator* 沥青开槽机操作员 asphalt-grooving machine operator* 沥青摊铺机操作员 asphalt-paving machine operator* 沥青摊铺找平操作员 asphalt-paving screed operator* 反铲挖土机操作员 backhoe operator* 沥青摊铺机操作员 – 重型设备 bituminous paver operator – heavy equipment* 山猫运营商 bobcat operator* 繁荣输送运营商 boom-conveyor operator* 斗轮运营商 bucketwheel operator* 斗轮挖掘机操作员 bucketwheel-excavator operator* 马车运营商皮革商 buggy-operator skinner* 马车刮板运营商 buggy-scraper operator* 推土机司机 bulldozer driver* 推土机操作员 bulldozer operator* 猫运营商 cat operator* 猫剥皮工人 cat skinner* 履带车运营商 caterpillar car operator* 履带运营商 caterpillar operator* 混凝土吊具运营商 – 重型设备 concrete spreader operator – heavy equipment* 混凝土开槽机操作员 concrete-grooving machine operator* 混凝土摊铺机操作员 concrete-paving machine operator* 施工设备操作员 construction equipment operator* 连续斗式挖掘机操作员 continuous bucket excavator operator* 履带式推土机运营商 crawler tractor operator* 挖沟运营商 – 建设 ditcher operator – construction* 开沟机操作员 ditching machine operator* 推土机操作员 dozer operator* 疏通运营商 dredge operator* 疏通推销员 dredge runner* 土方设备操作员 earth-moving equipment operator* 电气设备运营商 – 铲 electrical equipment operator – shovel* 提高年级运营商 elevating grader operator* 提高刮板运营商 elevating scraper operator* 设备操作工,重型 equipment operator, heavy-duty* 挖掘机的操作员 excavating machine operator* 挖掘机操作员 excavator operator* 前端装载机操作员 front end loader operator* GRADALL运营商 gradall operator* 平地机操作员 grader operator* 槽切割机操作员 groove-cutting machine operator* 开槽机操作员 – 重型设备 grooving machine operator – heavy equipment* 打桩锤运营商, hammer operator, pile driving* 加热器刨床操作员 heater-planer operator* 重型建筑设备操作员 heavy construction-equipment operator* 重型设备操作员 heavy equipment operator* 重型设备操作员学徒 heavy equipment operator apprentice* 重型设备操作员 heavy-duty equipment operator* 重型设备操作员学徒 heavy-duty equipment operator apprentice* HO- RAM运营商 ho-ram operator* 水平钻土机运营商 horizontal earth-boring machine operator* 液压挖掘机操作员 hydraulic excavator operator* 工业反铲挖土机操作员 industrial backhoe operator* 装载机操作员 – 建设 loader operator – construction* 海洋铁路运营 marine railway operator* 挖掘铲运营商(除地下) mining shovel operator (except underground)* 摩尔运营商 mole operator* 无赖运营商 – 建设 mucker operator – construction* 碴机操作员 – 建设 mucking machine operator – construction* 操作工程师,重型设备 operating engineer, heavy equipment* 运营商,沥青厂 operator, asphalt plant* 运营商,重型建筑设备 operator, heavy construction-equipment* 运营商,打桩锤 operator, pile-driving hammer* 运营商,侧臂的拖拉机 operator, side boom tractor* 摊铺机操作员 paver operator* 运输装载机运营商 payloader operator* 泥炭苔藓切割机操作员 peat-moss-cutting machine operator* 泥炭苔收集机器操作员 peat-moss-gathering machine operator* 桩机绞车操作员 pile driver winch operator* 打桩锤运营商 pile-driving hammer operator* 吊管机操作员 pipelayer operator* 电力年级运营商 power grader operator* 电铲操作员 power shovel operator* 松土拌和机运营商 pulvimixer operator* 松土运营商 – 重型设备 ripper operator – heavy equipment* 道路年级运营商 road grader operator* 道路搅拌机操作员 road mixer operator* 道路刨床操作员 road planer operator* 压路机操作员 road roller operator* 辊运营商 roller operator* 旋转挖沟运营商 rotary trencher operator* 松土运营商 scarifier operator* 刮板运营商 scraper operator* 熨平运营商,沥青摊铺 screed operator, asphalt paving* 屏蔽运营商 shield operator* 铲运营商 – 重型设备 shovel operator – heavy equipment* 侧臂的运营商 – 管道建设 side boom operator – pipeline construction* 侧臂的拖拉机操作员 side boom tractor operator* 雪疏导机器操作员 snow-grooming machine operator* 吊具运营商 – 重型设备 spreader operator – heavy equipment* 堆垛机操作员 – 重型设备 stacker operator – heavy equipment* 街头摊铺机操作员 street paver operator* 街头摊铺机,沥青运营商 street paver, asphalt operator* 剥离铲运营商 stripping shovel operator* 液压千斤顶结构安装工 structural hydraulic jack erector* 露天采矿设备运营商 surface mining equipment operator* 履带装载机操作员 track-loader operator* 拖拉机运营商 – 建设 tractor operator – construction* 拖拉机挖掘机操作员 tractor-excavator operator* 沟槽挖机操作员 trench-digging machine operator* 挖沟机操作员 trenching machine operator* 掘进机操作员 tunnelling machine operator* 振动压路机运营商 vibratory road roller operator* 振动压路机操作员 vibratory roller operator

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