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  • 0212 建筑与科学经理 architecture and science managers – NOC – LEVEL 0



    Architecture and science managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of an architecture, landscape architecture, scientific or statistical department, service or firm. They are employed by a wide range of private sector and government establishments as well as by architectural firms and scientific research companies.

    0212 建筑与科学经理头衔范例 Example Titles – NOC

    * 建筑经理 architectural manager* 首席精算师 chief actuary* 林业研究主任 – director of research – forestry* 研究主任 – 制造 director of research – manufacturing* 研究主任 – 采矿 director of research – mining* 董事,农业化学分支 director, agricultural chemistry branch* 园林建筑经理 landscape architecture manager* 生命科学项目经理, manager, life sciences program* 石油地质部门经理, manager, petroleum geology department* 科研部门经理 scientific research department manager* 统计服务经理 statistical service manager

    ## 0212 建筑与科学经理主要职责 Main duties – NOC

    建筑和科学经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Architecture and science managers perform some or all of the following duties:

    * 计划,组织,指挥,控制和评估建筑,园林建筑,科研和开发实验室或质量控制部门,服务或公司的活动和运作Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities and operations of an architecture, landscape architecture, scientific research and development laboratory or quality control department, service or firm

    * 为在部门、服务业、实验室或公司进行的建筑,科学和技术工作等制定和实施相应的政策,标准和程序Develop and implement policies, standards and procedures for the architectural, scientific and technical work performed in the department, service, laboratory or firm

    * 分配,协调和审查部门或项目团队的技术工作Assign, co-ordinate and review the technical work of the department or project teams

    * 招募人员,并监管员工在相应领域能力的开发和维护Recruit personnel and oversee development and maintenance of staff competence in required areas

    * 直接参与技术项目的设计,开发和检验或参与部门的理论或应用科学工作May participate directly in the design, development and inspection of technical projects or in the theoretical or applied scientific work of the department

    * 能与客户进行协商和谈判,制订规格,解释建议或现有建筑或科研报告及调查结果。May consult and negotiate with clients to prepare specifications, explain proposals or present architectural or scientific research reports and findings.

    ## 0212 建筑与科学经理任职要求 Employment requirements – NOC

    * 建筑经理要具备建筑学位,专业建筑师注册资格证,及多年的建筑工作经验,。Architecture managers require a degree in architecture, registration as a professional architect and several years of experience as an architect.

    * 园林建筑景观建筑经理要具备园林建筑学位,专业景观设计师许可证,及多年的景观设计师经验Landscape architecture managers require a degree in landscape architecture, licensing as a professional landscape architect and several years of experience as a landscape architect.

    * 本单元组的科学和其他管理人员要求具备科学硕士或博士学位,在相关科学学科几年的学习经验。Science and other managers in this unit group require a master’s or doctoral degree in a scientific discipline and several years of experience in a related scientific discipline.

    ## 0212 建筑与科学经理附加信息 Additional information – NOC

    * 可能晋升至各自领域内有经验的高级管理职位Progression to senior management positions in the respective fields is possible with experience.

    ## 0212 建筑与科学经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere – NOC

    * 计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers [0213](0213)* 工程经理 Engineering managers [0211](0211)* 天然资源生产和捕鱼经理 Managers in natural resources production and fishing [0811](0811)* 科学专家和科学专业监理(自然和应用科学的21个专业职位)Science professionals and supervisors of science professionals (in 21 Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences)

    0212 建筑与科学经理职称头衔 All titles – NOC

    * 精算部经理 actuarial department manager* 农业化学分会理事 agricultural chemistry branch director* 农业代表董事 agricultural representatives director* 农业代表区域经理 agricultural representatives regional manager* 建筑经理 architectural manager* 建筑服务经理 architectural service manager* 副主任,城市规划和发展 – 政府服务 assistant director, urban planning and development – government services* 生物研究部门首席 biological research department chief* 化工经理 chemical manager* 化学研究部经理 chemical research division manager* 首席精算师 chief actuary* 科长,生物研究部门 chief, biological research department* 临床项目经理 clinical projects manager* 架构总监 director of architecture* 林业研究主任 – director of research – forestry* 研究主任 – 制造 director of research – manufacturing* 研究主任 – 采矿 director of research – mining* 董事,农业化学分支 director, agricultural chemistry branch* 董事,农业代表 director, agricultural representatives* 实验室主任, director, laboratory* 数学系的主任, director, mathematics department* 董事,海洋学研究 director, oceanographic research* 董事,质量控制 – 化学 director, quality control – chemistry* 统计部门主任, director, statistical department* 董事,城市规划和发展 – 政府服务 director, urban planning and development – government services* 董事,城市规划和重建 – 政府服务 director, urban planning and renewal – government services* 董事,动物园 director, zoological garden* 动物园主任, director, zoological park* 生态研究经理 ecological research manager* 生态经理 ecology manager* 环境科学经理 environmental science manager* 实验农场管理者 experimental farm superintendent* 地球化学经理 geochemical manager* 地质经理 geological manager* 地球物理经理 geophysical manager* 实验室主任 laboratory director* 实验室经理 laboratory manager* 园林建筑经理 landscape architecture manager* 生命科学项目经理 life sciences program manager* 畜牧业发展经理 livestock development manager* 畜牧业生产计划经理 livestock production programs manager* 家畜程序开发经理 livestock program development manager* 精算部经理, manager, actuarial department* 经理,建筑服务 manager, architectural service* 化学研究部经理, manager, chemical research division* 经理,生态研究 manager, ecological research* 经理,生态学 manager, ecology* 经理,环境科学 manager, environmental science* 经理,园林建筑 manager, landscape architecture* 生命科学项目经理, manager, life sciences program* 经理,畜牧业发展 manager, livestock development* 经理,畜牧业生产计划 manager, livestock production programs* 经理,家畜程序开发 manager, livestock program development* 经理,数学服务 manager, mathematical services* 经理,数学程序 manager, mathematics program* 经理,自然科学计划 manager, natural sciences program* 石油地质部门经理, manager, petroleum geology department* 经理,物理科学计划 manager, physical sciences program* 经理,质量控制 – 药品 manager, quality control – pharmaceutical products* 经理,农村发展 manager, rural development* 经理,农村发展计划 manager, rural development program* 经理,科研 manager, scientific research* 科研部门经理, manager, scientific research department* 经理,统计服务 manager, statistical service* 制造业研究总监 manufacturing research director* 数学服务经理 mathematical services manager* 数学部主任 mathematics department director* 数学项目经理 mathematics program manager* 挖掘研究总监 mining research director* 自然科学项目经理 natural sciences program manager* 海洋学研究总监 oceanographic research director* 石油地质部门经理 petroleum geology department manager* 物理科学项目经理 physical sciences program manager* 项目管理首席 – 科学事务 project management chief – scientific affairs* 质量控制总监 – 化学 quality control director – chemistry* 质量控制经理 – 医药产品 quality control manager – pharmaceutical products* 区域经理,农业代表 regional manager, agricultural representatives* 研究和开发经理 research and development manager* 研究总监 – 林业 research director – forestry* 研究总监 – 制造 research director – manufacturing* 研究总监 – 采矿 research director – mining* 农村发展部经理 rural development manager* 农村发展项目经理 rural development program manager* 科研部门经理 scientific research department manager* 科研主任 scientific research director* 科研管理器 scientific research manager* 统计部门主任 statistical department director* 统计服务经理 statistical service manager* 管理者,实验农场 superintendent, experimental farm* 城市规划和发展助理主任 – 政府服务 urban planning and development assistant director – government services* 城市规划和发展总监 – 政府服务 urban planning and development director – government services* 城市规划和重建董事 – 政府服务 urban planning and renewal director – government services* 动物园主任 zoological garden director* 动物园主任 zoological park director

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